

API (Javadoc)

Jarp on SourceForge

Main window

interf1.jpg (22991 bytes) interf2.jpg (33905 bytes)


File Menu

New File Cleans the workspace, removing all the elements of the current net.
Open File Opens a net in the workspace from a file.
New window Opens a new window with an empty workspace.
Save Saves the net in a file. If the net was never saved before, performs as "Save as".
Save as Save the net in a file choosed in a file dialog. The standard file formats are: PNML, JARP 1.1, ARP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and PPM.
Language Changes the string resources of the interface. Default languages are English and Brazilian Portuguese.
Page setup Page setup for printing.
Print Prints the net in the workspace.
Close Closes the window. Exits JARP if there are no more windows opened. Prompts for unsaved work.

Edit Menu

Undo Undo the last action.
Redo Redo the last action.
Cut Transfer all the selected components to the internal transfer area.
Copy Copy all the selected components to the internal transfer area.
Paste Paste the content of the internal transfer area to the workspace.
Remove Remove the selected components from the workspace.

Format Menu

Align tops Aligns all selected components with the top of the first selected component.
Align middles Aligns all selected components with the middle of the first selected component.
Align bottoms Aligns all selected components with the bottom of the first selected component.
Align lefts Aligns all selected components with the left of the first selected component.
Align centers Aligns all selected components with the center of the first selected component.
Align rights Aligns all selected components with the right of the first selected component.
Grid (De)Activates a grid on the workspace. All components created or moved will be aligned with the grid pace.
Frame color Changes the outline color of the selected components.
Fill color Changes the filling color of the selected components.
Text color Changes the text color of the selected components.
Bring to front Places the selected components above others components.
Send to back Places the selected components below others components.
Name Changes the name of a place or a transition.
Tokens Changes the number of tokens in a place.
Weight Changes the weight of an arc.
Properties Opens a property dialog for the selected components.

Composition Menu

Edition mode Activate the Edition mode and enable the edition tool.
Insert new place Enable the creation of new places. Hold 'Shift' to create several places.
Insert new transition Enable the creation of new transitions. Hold 'Shift' to create several transitions.

To create arcs, please read the composition page.

Simulation Menu

Simulation Mode Activate the simulation mode. If already in this mode, returns to the initial marking.
Save marking Saves the actual marking in the 'reached markings' list.
Undo transition Undo the last transition, 'back' firing it. The net returns to the previous marking.

Analysis Menu

In this menu are listed all analysis tools. The tools are declared in the configuration file of JARP.

Help Menu

In this menu are listed all help related tools. The tools are declared in the configuration file of JARP. The default options are:

Index Shows JARP help index.
Example Shows a composition example in JARP step-by-step. It is the same example avaiable in this documentation.
About Shows information about JARP.

30/11/2001 12:00:51 -0300