Place creationTo create a place, clic on the menu/button "Insert new place" and clic on the workspace. A new place will appear on the spot you clicked. If you keep 'Shift' pressed, you can create several places at a time. Changing the name of a placeDouble clic on the name of the place with the selection tool . A text box will appear. Type the new name and clic elsewhere to validate the change. Changing the number of tokens for a placeSelect the place with the selection tool and:
Transition creationTo create a transition, clic on the menu/button "Insert new transition" and clic on the workspace. A new transition will appear on the spot you clicked. If you keep 'Shift' pressed, you can create several transitions at a time. Changing the name of a transitionDouble clic on the name of the transition with the selection tool . A text box will appear. Type the new name and clic elsewhere to validate the change. Arc creationTo create an arc, you need first to select the originating component (place/transition) with the selection tool . When selected, net components look like the figures below: Selected place Selected transition When selected, net components display blue handles. Those handles are the connectors of each component. You can drag and drop arcs from and to them. When you move the mouse cursor over a connector, the mouse cursor takes the shape of a hand, to indicate the possibility of linking components. To drag an arc means pressing the mouse button on the blue handle and dragging it outside the component. To drop an arc means releasing the arc inside another component. The following picture represents a drag and drop: Drag and drop creation of an arc Changing the weight of an arcSelect the arc with the selection tool and:
Add "nodes" in an arcSelect the arc with the selection tool and double clic in the location on the arc where you want to create the new node. If you double clic on an existing node, it's removed. You may have to reselect the arc to activate the change - see the known bugs. Once activated, nodes can be dragged anywhere, by dragging the white handles. See an example of an arc with nodes below:: Arc with nodes Same arc, selected |